I think max's default shortcut for 'sub-object selection toggle' is Ctrl + B and select similar is pretty useful ( note: you have similar option likes similar edge length, similar face areas,.) 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Title: 3ds Max 2009 Tutorials For Beginners Pdf happyhounds.pridesource.com Author: Tao Wei - 1996 - happyhounds.pridesource.com Subject: Download 3ds Max 2009 Tutorials For Beginners Pdf - 3ds Max® in 24 Hours “ Sams Teach Yourself 3ds Max in 24 Hours by Stewart Jones is the perfect book to start an artist who has never used 3ds Max and is new to 3D Stewart has put in enough detail.
< Trainz
Trainz Content Creation—Intermediate to Advanced Topics |
TOC | Beginnings | Fun | AM&C | Creation | InBook Refs| ORP Refs: • Index • Containers • Kinds • Tags | Appendixes • Vers |
Glossary |
HKeys-CM |
HKeys-DVR |
HKeys-SUR |
HKeys-WIN |
Mouse use |
Notations |
- This page renamed from: Hints and Tips for 3D Modelling Software
Editor's note: Getting to know the keyboard shortcuts in any program can speed up your efficiency and productivity. 3DS Max is no exception. - Many of the following will apply to GMAX too.
Hot Key | Effect or action | Blender equivalent |
F1 | Opens 3DS Max Help |
F2 | Shade Selected Faces (on/off) |
F3 | Toggle Between Wireframe and Smooth + Highlights |
F4 | View Edged Faces |
F9 | Render Particular Viewport |
F10 | Render Scene Dialogue |
E | Select and Rotate Tool |
H | Select by Name Dialogue |
J | Selection Brackets (on/off) |
Q | Select Tool |
R | Select and Scale Tool |
W | Select and Move Tool |
B | Switch to the Bottom viewport |
C | Switch to a Camera viewport |
F | Switch to the Front viewport |
L | Switch to the Left viewport |
P | Switch to the Perspective viewport |
R | Switch to the Right viewport |
T | Switch to the Top viewport |
D | Disable Viewport |
G | Main Grid (onn/off) |
V | Open View Shortcut Menu |
M | Material Editor Dialogue |
O | Adaptive Degradation (on/off) |
X | Transform Gizmo (on/off) |
Z | Zooms in on the Current Selection |
CTRL+A | Select All |
CTRL+D | Deselect all |
CTRL+C | Create Camera From Current Viewport |
CTRL+V | Clone Object |
CTRL+X | Expert Mode (on/off) |
ALT+C | Cut |
ALT+L | Select Edge Loop |
ALT+Q | Hide Unselected Objects |
ALT+X | Display As See-Through (on/off) |
⇧ Shift+E | Extrude Polygon |
⇧ Shift+Q | Quick Render Selected Viewport |
⇧ Shift+Y | Redo Last Viewport Operation |
⇧ Shift+Z | Undo Last Viewport Operation |
SPACE | Selection Lock (on/off) |
1 | Vertex Sub-Object Level |
2 | Edge Sub-Object Level |
3 | Border Sub-Object Level |
4 | Polygon Sub-Object Level |
5 | Element Sub-Object Level |
7 | Polygon Counter (on/off) |
8 | Environment and Effects Dialog |
+ | Increase Gizmo Size |
- | Decrease Gizmo Size |
There are also many more. The hotkeys are customizable under the 'Customize User Interface' menu option.
3ds Max 2009 Shortcut Keys Pdf Reader
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