Processmaker Skins Download

Download: Click on this button to download the template to your computer. A flash message indicating that the file was downloaded successfully will appear at the upper side of the window and the file will be in the PC. Download common business process templates and automate your workflow today. Browse the available processes. Click 'download' to get file. You can then 'upload' file to your ProcessMaker environment through the Import option in the Processes tab. Automating your workflow has never been easier. ProcessMaker news, events, releases, and updates Moderator: ArturoRobles: 87 Topics 219 Posts New ProcessMaker Webinars and by mattrmclaren Wed Nov 25, 2020 11:34 pm: Licensing Discussion and questions around ProcessMaker Licensing Moderator: ArturoRobles: 26 Topics 81 Posts Re: Community vs Enterprise by programerboy Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:04 pm.

  1. Processmaker Skins Download Free
  2. Processmaker Skins Download For Windows 7
ProcessMaker seems to default to the to the root folder for the location of the custom background image even though I have updated the path in my custom skin loginStyle.css file.
body.login {
background-color: #444;
background: url('../../shared/skins/myskinfolder/images/mybackgroundimage.jpg');
background-size: cover;
This change causes the background not to display even though the file is located in the custom skin image folder. However, when I have the custom image in the root public_html/images folder and use background: url('/images/mybackgroundimage.jpg'), it displays the custom background image properly.
Note, the same thing happens when trying to load a custom logo image in the custom skin layout.html file.
Am I missing something?Good morning ProcessMaker Community,
Colosa Inc. is pleased to announce the timely release of ProcessMaker version 2.0.31 today August the 2nd, 2011. This release marks the third time in a row that Colosa has been able to launch a new release of ProcessMaker the first Tuesday of the month, in accordance to the new release schedule. So congratulations to the Colosa Dev Team, kudos and lots of salteñas to them.
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ProcessMaker Release Notes.
v. 2.0.31 (Release date: August 2nd, 2011)
This time ProcessMaker 2.0.31 comes with 5 new features in addition to several bugs solved. Here is a brief description of each new feature:
    [*]Skins 2.0: finally this release comes with a fully functional Skins Administration UI that helps any administrator create, delete, import and export (.tar format) skins that will be available at server level. It is possible to create a skin based on Classic (this will copy all necessary/updated files from classic skin) or based on any other skin. How to switch skins? The first way is by changing in the URL “classic” by the name of desired skin. The second way is by double click in the name of the skin in the list. Any exported skin is a .tar package that has layout(html) files, css files (style) and images. Then a designer just needs to unpack it and make the changes inside, pack it again and import for testing. For more information about the structure of a skin please, read the following documentation:[*]Cases Notes: starting with this release, it is now possible to post a Note to a case at any time without even opening it. A new icon column will appear in each Case list (Inbox, Draft, Unassigned, Participated and so on) that on click will open a modal window to see the list of notes and to be able to post new ones. In a similar way when a case is open besides Steps,Information and Action there is a new Case Notes option that opens the same a fore mentioned window but not modal allowing users to continue working in the case with the notes opened. Any posted message is notified by email to all current case participants and it is visible for every case participant up to then.[*]Conditional Events: now it is possible to create events with conditions, only if the condition is evaluated as true the event will be triggered.[*]IIS Compatibility: after some research made by the Colosa Support team, now it is possible to install ProcessMaker on Internet Information Server. Of course the Colosa QA team still needs to test a bit more for every functionality in real environments.[*]PDF Security: thanks to Colosa Professional Services team research, this release comes with a way to include security configuration for an Output Document that generates a PDF format file. When this type is selected a new “PDF Security” option will appear that after been enabled, will present a box with the following fields: 1. Allowed permissions (By default when PDF Security is enabled the only enabled permission is View. By making a selection in this list it allows to print, copy, edit and/or fill forms). 2. Open Password (Is the password that is needed to open the PDF, this password doesn’t bypass any defined restrictions.) 3. Owner Password (this password is required to change any security restrictions in the document).
Fixed bugs:
    [*]1. Currency Field issues.[*]2. Email validation.[*]3. Issues with required fields (Checkbox and Suggest).[*]4. Sub-process issues.[*]5. PM Tables errors on properties edition.[*]6. PMGenerateOutputDocument() function now working correctly.[*]7. Some JS errors in IE8 were fixed.[*]8. Grids with multiple dependencies.
    [*]1. Suggest Field handling.[*]2. Output Document properties layout.
New Features (as described above):
    [*]1. Skins 2.0[*]2. Cases Notes.[*]3. Conditional Events.[*]4. IIS Compatibility.[*]5. PDF Security.
Known Issues:
    [*]1. Browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox 4/5 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 still present some issues, not fully tested yet.[*]2. Task Due date calculation is failing in some cases, mainly in a Windows environment.[*]3. Processes that started from scratch in a language other than English can't start a case. Workaround: open the process for editing in English once.

Processmaker Skins Download Free

As usual, you can download this new release from ProcessMaker's SourceForge project site here: ... .0/2.0.31/ and please feel free to file any questions you may have about it here: and any bugs you may find here:

Processmaker Skins Download For Windows 7

See ya next release day, enjoy!!!